Sunday, June 3, 2007

couch potato!!

Like a turtle..
her every move is so damn subtle!!
Sleep is her best friend!
beware! disturbin it is one thing u must not intend!!
Like a warrior..
fighting on any front is not her barrier!!
U just cant outsmart her in any debate..
worst!even next time u wont get any rebate!!
whether we fight, laugh, gossip or argue together..
doesnt matter,coz after all she's my cute, little, adorable sister!!


jasdeep mandia said...

impressive in the way it started & then its ending.
very smooth poem.

Unknown said...

thanx jasdeep:)

dolly jha said...

that's the spirit...
i wonder y ppl cling to sibling fights? ...
they are after all life's best spice...showered in good taste....