Monday, June 4, 2007

I am alive!!

Its a perpetual tussle between hope and despair...
The latter keeps saying that life is not fair!
But something from a distance keeps yellin...
honey! its just a few days affair!!
That distant sound only has kept me to life..
as not long back i wished if i could get some place to hide!
I know i have to fight...
as leaving it half way is not my might!
But please GOD dont take too long to set it all right...
and give me a good reason to say I AM ALIVE!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

couch potato!!

Like a turtle..
her every move is so damn subtle!!
Sleep is her best friend!
beware! disturbin it is one thing u must not intend!!
Like a warrior..
fighting on any front is not her barrier!!
U just cant outsmart her in any debate..
worst!even next time u wont get any rebate!!
whether we fight, laugh, gossip or argue together..
doesnt matter,coz after all she's my cute, little, adorable sister!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

lets see!!

traversing the endless road...
wondering where would it now head..
yet to find my purpose..
yet to find my soul..
yet to know if i would ever find!!