Saturday, September 17, 2011

Highway to future !!

Traversing a new path, new mission, new goals,
leaving the past behind, on highway to future!!

Little malice, lots of new hopes..
What future has in fold ,only time will tell...
Just hoping all goes well, infact much beyond well...

Lots of new faces around, looking for some familiar ones , that were once around.

Some song playing in the background,ya, thats my favourite one, at last something familiar...

i have to find my own space, build my own place,
on this highway to future!!
Hoping to make a stoppage sometime,
and cherish the moments, the people,
but till then its an incessant struggle
on this highway to future !!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To all my friends scattered around the globe !!

Why not let your pen loose buddy,
its been quite a while...
Must we not let our friendships die,
in pursuit of daily bread, butter and pie...
So tell me buddy, how is it going,
is it raining or its snowing or is it the sunshine thats glowing...
Its pleasing here in my land,
but without you buddy, its like a deserted island...
Thousand miles, rivers, mountains in between,
wish i had some sort of time machine....
Oh God, do some miracle,
let the long lost friends reunite, may be just for a while...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

With you i feel at peace....
As clam as the morning sea...
With you i feel so strong...
Like i hold a mountain in a furious storm...
With you i feel so live ...
Like the sun sends first ray of light...
With you world feels so nice....
Like a night breeze flows over neverland ...

Monday, July 6, 2009

eversince i have known you....

eversince i have known you,
i have found my paradise.....
eversince you have touched me,
you have brought me to life.....
your innocent smile,your faithful eyes,
keep me alive....
if its a dream, dont wake me up,
i want to keep dreaming,day and night...
if its real, dont let me sleep,
for,not a moment ,i want to miss !!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life is beautiful !!

Hear the birds chirping,
the song of life they are singing...
See the Sun rising,
rays of life its spreading....
Look above, the dark clouds are over,
sky is blue and silver...
There are smiles everywhere,
if its heaven ,its here...
The sounds are now clear,
life is beautiful is all i can hear...
Life is nothing but your love,
like a blessing from above!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

its a new day!!

its a new day...sunny,soothing and divine..
its a new,bright and alive...
its a new feeling...calm ,curious and happy..
its a new life..strong,free and worthwhile...
wondering if its HIS new proposition,
or just my altered perception ?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

nature's wonder!

its a beautiful morning to explore,
after night long downpour!
leaves are greener,roads are cleaner,
earthy smell is intoxicating the weather,
birds are singing to a new tune altogether,
as if all lives have got a new breather!
so no point sitting inside,as its now or never,
lets move out and celebrate the nature's wonder!!